NAME | # | NAME2 | #2 |
Asp | 6 | Ice Transmutation | 3 |
Audit of Call Records | 14 | Keeper | 10 |
Banpei | 7 | Lesser Arcana | 2 |
BBS Whispering Campaign | 6 | Liche | 1 |
Bolter Cluster | 7 | Main-Office Relocation | 3 |
Brain Wash | 2 | Manhunt | 4 |
Braindance Campaign | 8 | Marionette | 1 |
Cerberus | 10 | Marked Accounts | 4 |
Chance Observation | 8 | Mastermind | 1 |
Charity Takeover | 3 | Mastiff | 1 |
Chicago Branch | 4 | Minotaur | 1 |
Chihuahua | 9 | Netwatch Credit Voucher | 6 |
Corporate Boon | 1 | Netwatch Operations Office | 1 |
Corporate Coup | 3 | Neural Blade | 8 |
Corporate Headhunters | 4 | Off-Site Backups | 1 |
Corporate Retreat | 2 | Panic Button | 3 |
Corprunner's Shattered Remains | 2 | PI in the 'Face | 4 |
Cortical Scrub | 9 | Planning Consultants | 12 |
Cortical Stimulators | 3 | Political Coup | 2 |
Cowboy Sysop | 1 | Polymer Breakthrough | 3 |
Credit Consolidation | 3 | Priority Requisition | 3 |
Crystal Palace Station Grid | 1 | Private Cybernet Police | 5 |
Crystal Wall | 5 | Project Babylon | 5 |
D' Arc Knight | 10 | Project Zurich | 5 |
Data Fort Reclamation | 4 | Quandary | 13 |
Data Naga | 3 | Rex | 13 |
Data Raven | 1 | Rio de Janeiro City Grid | 3 |
Data Sifters | 7 | Rock is Strong | 2 |
Data Wall | 7 | Rockerboy Promotion | 10 |
Data Wall 2.0 | 5 | Rustbelt HQ Branch | 2 |
Datapool(r) by Zetatech | 1 | Sandstorm | 2 |
Death Yo-Yo | 3 | Scaffolding | 5 |
Detroit Police Contract | 3 | Scramble | 7 |
Doppelganger Antibody | 2 | Security Net Optimization | 4 |
Emergency Rig | 1 | Sleeper | 4 |
Employee Empowerment | 2 | South African Mining Corp | 2 |
Fang | 8 | Spinn(r) Public Relations | 9 |
Fang 2.0 | 8 | Sumo 2008 | 3 |
Fetch 4.0.1 | 5 | Sunburst Cranial Interface | 3 |
Filter | 4 | Syd Meyer Superstores | 5 |
Fire Wall | 8 | Systematic Layoffs | 7 |
Food Fight | 1 | TKO 2.0 | 6 |
Galatea | 1 | Triggerman | 9 |
Gatekeeper | 3 | Trojan Horse | 7 |
Hacker Tracker Central | 1 | Tumblers | 9 |
Herman Revista | 2 | Twisty Passages | 2 |
Holovid Campaign | 6 | Tycho Extension | 1 |
Homewrecker(tm) | 7 | Underworld Mole | 2 |
Homing Missile | 3 | Urban Renewal | 6 |
Hostile Takeover | 1 | Viral 15 | 1 |
Hunter | 2 | Viral Breeding Ground | 2 |
Ice Pick Willie | 10 | Walking Wall | 4 |
Wall of Static | 4 | ||
Washed-Up Solo Construct | 2 | ||
Zombie | 7 |